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In addition to rates listed below you will be invoiced postage, UPS and freight charges.


Preparation for storage of inventory materials produced at Publishers ExpressPress 

No charge 

Receive stock and inventory materials originated elsewhere 

$24.00 per pallet 

Monthly storage rate per bulk unit (Our pallet 24Wx36Lx48H) 

$4.00 per month 

Monthly storage rate per large pallet (approx. 40Wx48L) 

$8.00 per month 

Order Fulfillment:

This includes receiving the order via email, phone or fax, selecting and packing the order in a suitable container with a packing slip and a shipping label and shipping within 24 hours. 

Single item orders

$2.50 per item

Additional item of same title 


Full carton, one title

$3.50 per carton

Additional carton of same title 


Full pallet, multiple items 

$10.00 + carton/item charges above

Full pallet, one item (unbroken from storage) 


Rush service, shipped same day
